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Dick Vermeil HOF worthy?

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 1:32 pm
by Eagles One
The Eagles were 16 years removed from the post season when Vermeil took over in 1976. In addition they had no first round picks for his first three years. He got them to the playoffs in 1978 and won the NFC in 1980. He took over a horrid Rams team, had confidence in Kurt Warner and led them to a SB win in 2000. With the Chiefs he took them to a division title.

Re: Dick Vermeil HOF worthy?

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 3:16 pm
by Bryan
I've always thought Vermeil to be deserving of the HOF, perhaps even moreso than guys like Stram, Allen & Madden. He won everywhere he went, turning around struggling organizations. He could always put together an explosive offense regardless of the personnel he had. The main QBs he had were from Youngstown State, Northern Iowa & Indiana. I think Vermeil's offensive genius is overshadowed by his personality, but there are tangible reasons for his success.

That said, I doubt he gets in to Canton.

Re: Dick Vermeil HOF worthy?

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 3:27 pm
by RichardBak
In my view, he's on the bubble. I personally wouldn't put him in, but I can also see where turning around 3 different teams in 3 different stints combined with that SB win would be enough for him to eventually get elected.

Having said that, he's in my personal HOF cuz in his last college game, his UCLA Bruins beat undefeated #1 Ohio State in the Rose Bowl. We Michigan folks appreciated that.

Re: Dick Vermeil HOF worthy?

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 7:15 pm
by Lee Elder
If you look at his entire career, Dick Vermeil deserves Hall of Famer recognition. First NFL assistant whose only job was the kicking game. Head coached 3 franchises into the playoffs. Coached in 2 Super Bowls and won 1. His won-loss numbers show that he rebuilt losers into winners. 120-109 overall, 6-5 in the post season and 1-1 in the Super Bowl.

Re: Dick Vermeil HOF worthy?

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 7:24 pm
by Brian wolf
He has a case but hurt his chances leaving the Rams after the SB win. At least his team had a defense. The 2000 Ram defense stunk. Did a good job with the Eagles and Chiefs but might have done better if he wasnt wearing down his players in practice. He has to be laughing at todays football.

Still hoping Buddy Parker makes the HOF next year.

Re: Dick Vermeil HOF worthy?

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 7:53 pm
by RichardBak
Brian wolf wrote: Still hoping Buddy Parker makes the HOF next year.
Parker should've been in years ago.

Re: Dick Vermeil HOF worthy?

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 8:18 pm
by Brian wolf
To me, another deserving older coach is Buck Shaw who beat Lombardi for a championship and coached a lot of HOF players. I like Blanton Collier as well, despite Art Modell's drama.

Re: Dick Vermeil HOF worthy?

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 8:37 pm
by RichardBak
I have to wonder if Buck is overlooked because half his wins came in the AAFC. He really didn't spend that long coaching in the NFL compared with others. But hell, blocking for the Gipper and being the only guy to beat St. Vincent in the postseason is quite a resume.

As for Collier----well, I was 10 and just starting to follow the game when Cleveland whomped Johnny U and my beloved Colts in the '64 title game. So I'm a little prejudiced there. :)

Re: Dick Vermeil HOF worthy?

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 11:11 pm
by Brian wolf
Thats the thing about Shaw. With the HOF already recognizing players like Lavelli, Speedie and Motley's dominant play in the AAFC, why not recognize Shaw as well ? His 49ers pushed Cleveland to be a great team and he lost the final AAFC Championship to them in 1949.

He created the million dollar backfield but YA Tittle couldnt get the job done, with great teams like the Rams and Lions in his division.

Still, he coached a lot of great players, including the dirtiest player ever, in Hardy Brown ! Even Lombardi had huge respect for what he did in Philly because he chose the Packer job over the Eagles. To my knowledge, the only offers he ever got following the Giants.

Re: Dick Vermeil HOF worthy?

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 11:41 pm
by JuggernautJ
RichardBak wrote:...being the only guy to beat St. Vincent in the postseason is quite a resume....
I know I am in the minority here but technically (very technically... or not at all according to some) Lombardi's Packers lost the (Hinky dink) Playoff Bowl to Wally Lemm's St Louis Cardinals in 1964.
It was considered a post season game (at the time but not by many here).