Players health 20 years from now in regards to concussions

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Players health 20 years from now in regards to concussions

Post by lastcat3 »

It will be interesting to see how much the increased awareness of the longterm affects of head injuries and concussions will have on players health twenty years from now. Once all the current players are out of the game will the fact that they do take a lot more precautions now in regards to concussions have a big impact on their mental health later in life?

They now have a lot of old games on youtube and I watch a little bit of them every so often and it is very obvious from watching games from the '80's and '90's that the awareness of concussions and head injuries was extremely poor. The commentators would often compliment the guy dishing out the hit for ringing the guys bell and stuff like that. And then they would say oh he'll be fine he'll be right back in shortly. And sure enough the viewers would get an official announcement that the player was indeed coming right back into the game after only a series or so. Blows to the head that would probably keep players out for the rest of the game nowadays were considered to be something pretty minor back then. So what probably ended up happening in many cases instead of just getting one concussion and then staying away from the game until all symptoms were gone players would go right back into the game and get two or potentially even three concussions all in one day.

So it will be interesting what effect the added concern they have about the issue now will affect the concussion situation once all our current players have retired. My guess is that the concussion issue may get better but the physical deterioration of their bodies will be worse than ever because they are now hitting eachother harder now than they ever were.
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Re: Players health 20 years from now in regards to concussio

Post by sheajets »

Nowadays its pretty sad as the cumulative effects of these concussions have led to so many of these guys outright forgetting large chunks of their career. Bradshaw had no clue he threw a TD pass to Swann because of the Larry Cole helmet to helmet hit. Nowadays he doesn't even remember any of the game.

I don't think we were so naive back then to not think this kind of head trauma could possibly be good or not have any long term cognitive issues. We also knew football was a gladiator sport played by some of the toughest men in the country, these guys were assuming the risk so let them do what they want to do. Nobody was forcing them to play football. It is unfathomable to us now that guys would be knocked fully unconscious and come back into games. But they were afraid back then as well that their replacement would never relinquish that job. Or the team would view them as not tough they sucked it up and went out there. This was their livelihood and they had very little they could do effectively if they weren't playing football

The stuff we've uncovered and keep uncovering is scary. Lineman on every play possibly having micro concussions due to the constant colliding head on with another 300+ lb beast
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Re: Players health 20 years from now in regards to concussio

Post by bachslunch »

sheajets wrote:The stuff we've uncovered and keep uncovering is scary. Lineman on every play possibly having micro concussions due to the constant colliding head on with another 300+ lb beast
Not to mention what were euphemistically called "head slaps" back then. Head clubs is more like it -- and all perfectly legal at the time.
Last edited by bachslunch on Fri Jul 20, 2018 4:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
L.C. Greenwood
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Re: Players health 20 years from now in regards to concussio

Post by L.C. Greenwood »

lastcat3 wrote:It will be interesting to see how much the increased awareness of the longterm affects of head injuries and concussions will have on players health twenty years from now. Once all the current players are out of the game will the fact that they do take a lot more precautions now in regards to concussions have a big impact on their mental health later in life?

They now have a lot of old games on youtube and I watch a little bit of them every so often and it is very obvious from watching games from the '80's and '90's that the awareness of concussions and head injuries was extremely poor. The commentators would often compliment the guy dishing out the hit for ringing the guys bell and stuff like that. And then they would say oh he'll be fine he'll be right back in shortly. And sure enough the viewers would get an official announcement that the player was indeed coming right back into the game after only a series or so. Blows to the head that would probably keep players out for the rest of the game nowadays were considered to be something pretty minor back then. So what probably ended up happening in many cases instead of just getting one concussion and then staying away from the game until all symptoms were gone players would go right back into the game and get two or potentially even three concussions all in one day.

So it will be interesting what effect the added concern they have about the issue now will affect the concussion situation once all our current players have retired. My guess is that the concussion issue may get better but the physical deterioration of their bodies will be worse than ever because they are now hitting eachother harder now than they ever were.

Yes, the players who listened the last several years, will enjoy a much better quality of life when compared to others. We still can't legislate free will, and these players were old enough to make the decision to join the military, so that should always be remembered. Also, playing NFL football is a fantastic experience, from both a salary, and contacts standpoint. There are legions of guys who lasted only a season, but had jobs waiting for them, and were able to build another career. Who you know in business can be a huge advantage, as opposed to what you know.

And I hope we never reach a point where an announcer is scared to compliment a good, clean hit, which sometimes inevitable involves a glancing blow to the head. I don't know if we can make a general statement about guys hitting each other harder, because the game today involves more passing, and defensive players have to play with more restraint than in the past.

In terms of this concern about smaller hits, we still don't know how that factors into everything. The fact so many former pros are doing well tells us this is far from a binary issue. And this former pros played in an era of artificial turf, worse equipment, and returning to the action sooner after rough hits. We need to be careful about suggesting anyone who plays tackle football will be damaged in any significant way.
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Re: Players health 20 years from now in regards to concussio

Post by JuggernautJ »

sheajets wrote:It is unfathomable to us now that guys would be knocked fully unconscious and come back into games. But they were afraid back then as well that their replacement would never relinquish that job. Or the team would view them as not tough they sucked it up and went out there. This was their livelihood and they had very little they could do effectively if they weren't playing football

The stuff we've uncovered and keep uncovering is scary. Lineman on every play possibly having micro concussions due to the constant colliding head on with another 300+ lb beast
It's not just the fear of being replaced.
There's more to it than that.

I was knocked unconscious playing sandlot and never missed a play.
And I would've expected the same from a majority of my teammates.
None of us were getting paid or in danger of losing our position.

Some of it has to do with the mindset required to play football.
You have to believe you're some form of indestructible to be able to go out there and risk injury every weekend.
There's also the prerequisite of considering the team greater than any individual part, including one's self.
And let's not forget the desire to prove no one else is tougher.

All of those parts of the football mindset lead to players who shrug off injuries they shouldn't and are willing to risk life and limb for the love of a game.
Ya gotta be a little crazy to play footballl...
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Re: Players health 20 years from now in regards to concussio

Post by sheajets »

There is something the NFL can do (but never will) to help the situation. Look at the players now. They wear these hideous super tight speedskating type uniforms. You can't bump guys at the line. Can't hold a bit to slow them down. You have players rocketing down the field like missiles and and ending up in violent collisions.

Mandate larger, heavier shoulder pads. Let the defense play a little bit of defense and look the other way. If you want less violent helmet to helmet stuff make the players have more shoulder pad surface area to use
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