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Southern Football League (circa 1964/1965)

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 8:53 am
by oldecapecod11
After an announcement on December 6, 1964 that the 7-team North American Football League would include
a team from Charlotte, North Carolina, the Charlotte entry opted to stay in the Southern Football League.
Current searches regarding the Southern Football League are resulting simply in data concerning
the Australian Rules Football organization.
Does anyone have any data on the Charlotte team? I.E. name, duration, venue, 1965 record, etc?
Thank you.

Re: Southern Football League (circa 1964/1965)

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 8:59 am
by mwald
Have nothing to offer on the Charlotte team, but love Australian Rules Football. Most might remember how often it was broadcast in the early days of ESPN.

They were men.

Re: Southern Football League (circa 1964/1965)

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 9:00 am
by Bob Gill
The Charlotte Vikings were a new team in 1965. They went 4-8 and finished fourth in the six-team SFL. The team and the league both folded after the season. Several SFL teams -- Knoxville, Jacksonville, Chattanooga -- joined the North American League the next year, but not Charlotte. And the NAFL folded after the 1966 season anyway.

Re: Southern Football League (circa 1964/1965)

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 10:36 am
by oldecapecod11
Thank you, Bob.
The standings, folding, and most of the data is here but, somehow, the name was deleted. The old data found implied that Charlotte had been a member of the Southern League and was contemplating a move.
Perhaps it was just the way NAFL Commissioner Jim Hamer worded the announcement or perhaps it was an error
in copying here. The file was untouched for about nine years. Even the Yankees used to lose once-in-a-while.
But, thank you again.

And, Mr. Wald, you are certainly correct. As in Rugby, leather balls are needed for the Australian Rules game.
But maybe no longer as the sport gains deserved popularity among the ladies. Synthetic perhaps?