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Re: Peyton Manning calls it a career

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 2:34 pm
by oldecapecod11
Why is football the only sport where such definition is so desperately needed?

This addiction has only swept the nation since 1966.

How many World Series did Ted Williams win?
Still, he is considered by most who understand hitting as the best that ever was.

Gordie Howe played through the Canadiens domination of the Stanley Cup.
Who can deny that he is one of the greatest that ever laced up skates?

The list is not long but long enough to belie the theory that rings equal greatness.
Keep in mind that many footballers who are considered "great" would be mucking stalls or emptying spittoons
were it not for football.
The list of those who end up on skid row is longer for football players than for any other sport.
"I coulda been a contender."


As for the head-to-head aspect of Brady / Manning...

We said we would never see anything again like the 1961 Mantle / Maris chase.
Later, we saw McGwire / Sosa.
Santayana did not write of sports.