Rank all ’90s Super Bowl winners, #1 - #10

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Re: Rank all ’90s Super Bowl winners, #1 - #10

Post by lastcat3 »

Regardless of who you think is the best (in my opinion the '92 Cowboys) I think it is telling what a lot of people seem to think salary cap did to the league. Most everyone has teams from the early and mid '90's (a period where free agency hadn't yet torn apart rosters) ahead of teams from the late '90's (when the salary cap was starting to take its hold on things). Even though I know parity is better for the league as a whole it does make you long for the days when teams were truly great and they had rosters that were about two to three times as talented as what we have seen during the current era.
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Re: Rank all ’90s Super Bowl winners, #1 - #10

Post by ChrisBabcock »

lastcat3 wrote:Regardless of who you think is the best (in my opinion the '92 Cowboys) I think it is telling what a lot of people seem to think salary cap did to the league. Most everyone has teams from the early and mid '90's (a period where free agency hadn't yet torn apart rosters) ahead of teams from the late '90's (when the salary cap was starting to take its hold on things). Even though I know parity is better for the league as a whole it does make you long for the days when teams were truly great and they had rosters that were about two to three times as talented as what we have seen during the current era.
The flip side to that was you had teams that were truly terrible for seemingly forever and couldn't really get anything going rebuilding-wise. Bucs, Colts, Cardinals & Falcons are late 80s/early 90s teams that come to mind. For the 1990s itself, the Bengals and Rams were truly horrendous. Nowadays, every team has a chance to turn it around in 2 or 3 years if the team is managed right and gets the right GM/coaches and players in place. Not saying this is "better"... just is what it is.
Brian wolf
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Re: Rank all ’90s Super Bowl winners, #1 - #10

Post by Brian wolf »

Best 90s Teams That Did NOT Win Super Bowl

1994 Dall ... we all know why
1990 SF ... Joe Cool got injured
1997 GB ... nuff said
1998 Minn ... Great offense but so-so defense. Outscored everyone but Atlanta
1992 SF ... turnovers killed them against Dallas
1990 Buff ... overlooked the Giants ... players admitted it.
1996 Den ... rusty for Jax
1995 Pitts ... best Steelers team but no Bettis
1995 SF ... should have beaten Atlanta for home field advantage
1991 Buff ... best Bills team but doubt had crept in
1991 Dall ... Huge win streak but overlooked Det for Washington ... players admitted it
Gary Najman
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Re: Rank all ’90s Super Bowl winners, #1 - #10

Post by Gary Najman »

I am a Cowboys fan, but I like very much the 1991 Redskins. Maybe not flashy, but each week I felt back then that they were the superior team. Their two losses were by only 5 combined points.
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