Mexico City? That's worse than Foxborough...

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Mexico City? That's worse than Foxborough...

Post by oldecapecod11 »

Why would the nfl want to return to Mexico City?
That place has a history worse than Foxborough before Bob Kraft ended the Monday Night Football ban.

Mexican fans have been known to urinate on each other and one rather inventive group found a way to "throw" a toilet bowl.
(There were a number of posts concerning this in the old forum. Maybe they were saved?)

Plus... "Futbol Americano" was a failed experiment. Why encourage failure?

Hmmm... maybe they have engaged "Sheriff Joe" to be in charge of security. That might work? ... exico-city
"It was a different game when I played.
When a player made a good play, he didn't jump up and down.
Those kinds of plays were expected."
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Mark L. Ford
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Re: Mexico City? That's worse than Foxborough...

Post by Mark L. Ford »

oldecapecod11 wrote:
Plus... "Futbol Americano" was a failed experiment. Why encourage failure?
On the other hand, there were 103,467 fans the last time around, and at least 103,400 of them weren't morons.
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Re: Mexico City? That's worse than Foxborough...

Post by mwald »

Mexico City makes more sense than Europe from a travel logistics standpoint. And as Mark Ford said, they do pack 'em in.

Bigger question may be if Trump is president can teams' travel planes fly high enough to cross the big, beautiful wall he plans to build....? :lol:
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Re: Mexico City? That's worse than Foxborough...

Post by Bryan »

Trivia...what was the first NFL game played outside the Western Hemisphere?
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Re: Mexico City? That's worse than Foxborough...

Post by oldecapecod11 »

1976 - Exhibition - Cardinals (StL) and Chargers at Korakuen Stadium in Tokyo.
1983 - Exhibition - The Global Cup - Cardinals (StL) and Vikings at Wembley in Britain.
2007 - Regular season - Giants and Dolphins at Wembley again.
Meanwhile, for those impressed by numbers responding to free tickets, it is well to remember:
Those involved with the crucifixion of Christ were few in number.
The mob that opted to free Barabbas and then lined the streets to cheer were perfectly innocent.

It's not just Mexico City. It's the fan culture.
They think "trash and clash" is the way one should celebrate - kinda like smashing a pinata.

Mexican stadium closed after fans riot, 17 arrests
March 23, 2014|Reuters ... city-atlas
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mc1.jpg (138.79 KiB) Viewed 15935 times
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BD Sullivan
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Re: Mexico City? That's worse than Foxborough...

Post by BD Sullivan »

The Lions and Eagles were supposed to play in Mexico City in an August 1968 exhibition, but because of chaos, it was abruptly switched to Philly.
Gary Najman
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Re: Mexico City? That's worse than Foxborough...

Post by Gary Najman »

As most of you know, I live in Mexico City and I went to most of the preseason games played at Aztec Stadium, plus the 49ers-Cardinals game regular season game. I concur that is no way place for expansion, for many things:

- The high cost of the tickets (you can afford a game or two, but I doubt the whole season), plus I don't think most players would want to come here (security, devaluation of the peso, economic situation, etc.).
- Political situation of the country, the reigning political party of Mexico City for nearly 20 years if left-leaning, with many pro-Soviet members and every day we have people marching and blocking the main streets and avenues. Traffic is imposible, I doubt the players would get on time to practice or to the airport.

On the plus side, with a city so large you always find everything here, and there are many konowledge fans. Movie theaters around the country (of the network Cinemex) broadcast every Thursday and Monday Night game. A few years ago, I went with some friends to a Pittsburgh-Denver Monday Night game, and the game was so soldout, that they had to cancel a movie from another theater of the cinema complex, and both theaters were overcrowded, also with people sitting in the stairs.
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Re: Mexico City? That's worse than Foxborough...

Post by oldecapecod11 »

by Teo » Tue Oct 06, 2015 5:08 pm
"... As most of you know, I live in Mexico City and I went to most of the preseason games played at Aztec Stadium, plus the 49ers-Cardinals game regular season game. I concur that is no way place for expansion, for many things...

Wow! What a manly and straight-forward statement and the justifications are equally so.
It is so unlike many who whimper and whine the moment a tad of criticism or negative thought is directed or even implied of their team or area
or personage.
KUDOS for you, Teo; you have certainly advanced your already notable and proud reputation.

It is interesting that you mention the showing of games in theaters.

A few years back, the nfl threatened suit against CHURCHES that were hosting Super Bowl parties.
The backlash was immediate and powerful.
The nfl rapidly took on the role of the cowardly lion and beat a hasty retreat from their original stance.

They "allowed" that houses of worship could share big screen showings as long as it was free.
That - we all know, of course, is a big joke.
Church gatherings without a collection or offering are about as hard to find as a Tom Brady cell phone.

The same threat was made against veterans' organizations and it is easy to see why the nfl tucked its tail and ran.
There are three groups no one wants to mess with: women, veterans, and church-goers and two of them made the nfl cower.

Do you know the conditions under which those nfl games are shown in theaters in Mexico? Is it common - or rare?

Congrats! again - for a great and honorable post.
"It was a different game when I played.
When a player made a good play, he didn't jump up and down.
Those kinds of plays were expected."
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Gary Najman
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Re: Mexico City? That's worse than Foxborough...

Post by Gary Najman »

oldecapecod11 wrote:by Teo » Tue Oct 06, 2015 5:08 pm
"... As most of you know, I live in Mexico City and I went to most of the preseason games played at Aztec Stadium, plus the 49ers-Cardinals game regular season game. I concur that is no way place for expansion, for many things...

Wow! What a manly and straight-forward statement and the justifications are equally so.
It is so unlike many who whimper and whine the moment a tad of criticism or negative thought is directed or even implied of their team or area
or personage.
KUDOS for you, Teo; you have certainly advanced your already notable and proud reputation.

It is interesting that you mention the showing of games in theaters.

A few years back, the nfl threatened suit against CHURCHES that were hosting Super Bowl parties.
The backlash was immediate and powerful.
The nfl rapidly took on the role of the cowardly lion and beat a hasty retreat from their original stance.

They "allowed" that houses of worship could share big screen showings as long as it was free.
That - we all know, of course, is a big joke.
Church gatherings without a collection or offering are about as hard to find as a Tom Brady cell phone.

The same threat was made against veterans' organizations and it is easy to see why the nfl tucked its tail and ran.
There are three groups no one wants to mess with: women, veterans, and church-goers and two of them made the nfl cower.

Do you know the conditions under which those nfl games are shown in theaters in Mexico? Is it common - or rare?

Congrats! again - for a great and honorable post.

Thank you for your comments, Oldecapecod11, I appreciate them very much.

On a side note, I'm willing to write my experiences at the NFL games at Aztec Stadium for the Coffin Corner. It's a work in progress, but I hope to finish it soon.

By the way, Aztec Stadium will have it's 50th aniversary next year. Since it opened they built many luxury boxes (for the time) and the stadium was somewhat revamped for the 1986 FIFA soccer World Cup, but the bleachers in the upper part are no way in par of a profesional football team. No comparision with the top European Stadiums (including Wembley, where the Dolphins and Jets met this past Sunday) and it has slowly showing its age.
Gary Najman
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Re: Mexico City? That's worse than Foxborough...

Post by Gary Najman »




Some pictures of the San Francisco-Arizona game played ten years ago in Mexico City.
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