Bud Grant-making a not-so-funny-joke

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Re: Bud Grant-making a not-so-funny-joke

Post by JohnTurney »

RyanChristiansen wrote:
I watched this video, and the lady says she doesn’t think she’ll ever see the Vikings win a Super Bowl. Bud says he won’t, either, but…

“I got paid,” he said.
She replies, “I didn’t.”
He says, “You didn’t bet right, did you?”

Bud’s having gotten paid to coach and her not making the “right” bet have no relationship to each other except the woman’s ridiculous response that she didn’t get paid like Bud did.

It’s a friggin’ business. Why shouldn’t Bud be proud that he got paid? Pro football is an entertainment product. Bud understood that, and it’s why he became the first free agent when he left for a bigger paycheck in Winnipeg. Good for him.
I have no problem with anyone making money, I have no problem with a four losing Super Bowls, not all
his fault--Vikings happened to meet four great teams.

And he can joke anyway he wants to--and I'm told he has a dry sense of humor. But if you
were a Vikings fan and she was equating meeting Bud as "her Super Bowl" because she
never got to see her team win one, a

And the coach said "at least he got paid" and she said
"who got paid/" and he said "I did" and she said "I didn't"--but
then finishes with "“You didn’t bet right, did you?”

Well, think about it - he told her she should have bet against Vikings.
That way, she'd have gotten paid.

I could be wrong, but I don't think that's a knee-slapper.

But they are both in their 90s, or close to it, but if the coach
of your favorite team jokingly tells you that you bet wrong
well, it was cringeworthy to me.
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Re: Bud Grant-making a not-so-funny-joke

Post by JohnH19 »

Citizen wrote:I have little doubt he was being serious. Grant loved his $$$, and made no qualms about coaching being a job first and a passion second. He would bring home leftovers from team breakfasts. Later in life he would unload memorabilia via garage sales, even though he had more money than Croesus. You want your purchase signed? Another $25, please. R.I.P., but the man was greedy and cheap.
Have you ever been hungry? I’m guessing the answer is no. Bud grew up during the depression as did my mom who never forgot what it was like to be hungry and cooked enough for a family of four even after my dad died and my sister and I moved out. One of the first things out of her mouth when we came over was always “You must be hungry.”

Coaching was indeed Bud’s job and very few men have ever been better at it. He proved that you don’t have to sleep at the office five nights a week to get the job done. I suppose that if he was more passionate about coaching he could have neglected his family and other interests but he preferred to live a full life and he may not have made it to 95 otherwise.

R.I.P. with a cheap shot…classy. Those yard sales were for the benefit of his family, not for himself.
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Re: Bud Grant-making a not-so-funny-joke

Post by Citizen »

I know his background as well as you do. An impoverished childhood didn't strip him of the freedom to appreciate the abundance he had as an adult and to realize he had more than enough money. An upbringing like his spurs some people toward generosity later in life, and some toward hoarding every penny. He chose the latter. Not a cheap shot, a fact.
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Re: Bud Grant-making a not-so-funny-joke

Post by JohnH19 »

You don’t know Bud Grant if you think he was having yard sales to line his own 90+ year old pockets. He was getting rid of stuff so his family wouldn’t have to deal with it after he’s gone. Well, Bud’s gone now, the stuff he sold is out of the way, and the family doesn’t have to deal with it. Calling him cheap and greedy was indeed a cheap shot.
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